Client Testimonials
- Great place to sell & buy a home!Craig Perry
- Jan is a wonderful person to deal with throughout the entire process whether we are buying or selling. We wouldn't want to work with any other person.Joe & Kelley Hopwood
- Karen is outstanding! She is easy to work with and well informed.Don & Betty Cardinal
- I've been going to Beth for around 20 years now and she is hands down the best & only person I buy and sell property with. Absolutely love her confidence and ability!Jason Davis
- We know Joyce and love her. We also know many people at the firm and thus we're very comfortable with their reputation.Jay & Cathy Smith
- We did not even consider using another agent other than Jan Parsons after working with her previously. She is your best friend to have in the real estate business, and just an all around nice, genuine person. She is completely trustworthy, courteous and very prompt. She is the "calm in the storm". We had complete faith that she and Klein Real Estate would handle our business professionally and to our best interest. They went above and beyond! Our experience couldn't have been a smoother transaction!Jeremy Gray
- Tyler is simply the best! He's patient, understanding, professional, knowledgeable, and honest. I looked for a year and a half, close to 20 houses, and Tyler never lost patience. He truly has his clients best interest at heart. I will always recommend Tyler for selling and buying to anyone I know. Tyler goes above and beyond, and didn't mind answering the crazy amount of questions I had in this process.Jessica Stremming
- Tyler was amazing and always got back with me about questions that I had or steps that came next in such a fast manner. His experience and personal touch definitely made selling my home a lot less stressful.Ray Thomas
- Working with Karen made buying & selling a breeze. Karen helped us find our forever home & was extremely patient throughout the entire process. We couldn't recommend her enough. And if we ever need a realtor in the future, we will for sure use Karen!Kayton & Rebekkah Jones
- Hands down the BEST Realtor in the area! Not only is he incredibly knowledgeable, swift and professional, he is extremely helpful! Tyler literally made this process so simple, so fast and handled everything well. Highly recommend Tyler. If you want your house sold FAST and WELL... He's the guy.Liz Romani
- Klein is absolutely the most effective realtor group in the area.Richard Grav
- What makes Cameron different from others is he is straight forward. He doesn't beat around the bush. That's something you don't see very often when dealing with a salesman.Jacob Scott