Client Testimonials
- I have bought and sold more than a dozen properties with Klein Real Estate. Heath & his crew always do a great job!Scott Hagood
- Jan was referred to us by family members who previously worked with her. She did a wonderful job helping us find a home.Lonnie & Shelley Lear
- Cameron's ability to interact and get things on a personal level is his "difference factor". This aspect helps calm intense situations and instills trust in people. When he does business, it leads to a friendship.Brant Bilskie
- We know Joyce and love her. We also know many people at the firm and thus we're very comfortable with their reputation.Jay & Cathy Smith
- This company & agent were put in my path. You all are a blessing! Joyce was a perfect match. Love the Klein Real Estate Family.Samantha Nelson
- Abby is a very good agent & very professional. The whole process was very quick. Two Thumbs Up!!Isaac Phares
- Thank you Abby for your dedication, professionalism and hard work! If I could give more than outstanding review, I would definitely do so. Special thanks for your help and patience in our home search process! Always available and responded right away if we had any questions, answered all phone calls and emails immediately. Made it easy to navigate and never gave up until she found our dream home! Thank you Klein real Estate for such a professional and wonderful agent!Oksana Karpov
- Joyce was wonderful! She made this experience a pleasant one. Very good attitude!Dean & Mary Treese
- Karen was an amazing realtor and helped beyond what was expected. We would recommend her to anyone looking for a home.Daniel & Ashley Abel
- Abby gave me a tour of the town when I interviewed for a job. It was clear she was knowledgeable about the area. We later found a house we loved and asked if she would help us with very short notice. She jumped in right away and had our offer accepted in three days. She went above and beyond for us and was the best thing about our homebuying process.Joshua Vollmer
- Tyler was amazing and always got back with me about questions that I had or steps that came next in such a fast manner. His experience and personal touch definitely made selling my home a lot less stressful.Ray Thomas
- Tyler is very helpful. Good with communication and getting back with us on stuff.Jordan Naylor